Sunday, September 18, 2011

Fall Sunflowers

Sometimes one item just starts you to thinking beautiful things. Got this great, cheery table runner at Marshall's and my thoughts began to form.

I love my dollar store sunflower bowls.

A little raffia wrapped candles, some sunflowers and a cage.

If you love sunflowers as much as I do, take a look at another Kansas blogger who GROWS sunflowers.

This photo is from her blog, The Farmer's Wife.Just click on the photo to visit.

I am joining Debbiedoos Newbie Party 


 for Tablescape Thursdays

Trying to find Fall Motivation

 The first red sport of Anjou was discovered in the early 1950's near Medford, Oregon.

A trip to the grocery store inspired me to do this blog.

 I found the most beautiful  Anjou pears, blemish free and  a such a red! I immediately thought of my red Memory Lane Royal Ironstone dishes and a lace table scarf.

I was beginning to wonder if I would ever have enough motivation to blog again. Since school started I have been so busy and exhausted. Those of you who work, I don't know HOW you do it.

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Summer's Little Flower Visitors

Even as this hot, dry summer is winding down, butterflies and bees are busy in the flowers that have survived.

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

Honey Bee

Variegated Fritillary

Carpenter Bee


Carpenter Bee

Painted Lady

Spicebush Swallowtail

Silver Spotted Skipper

Peck's Skippers

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Summer White and Silver

Today's post is the collection of things I have gotten either at garage sales or thrift stores this summer. I just arranged it all in the hutch. It is a collection of white ironstone, silver and a little green.

A little Boston Ivy  and Tansey and a little silver baby cup with animals marching around it.

This was my favorite find this summer, the champagne bucket. I have Tansey in it. Tansey makes a nice bouquet on its own, but is really super as filler with blooms.  There is just nothing blooming in the yard in this third week of 100+ temperatures.

This Bishop's weed is on the north side of the house and it still is going strong.

Little birds bathing in a silver tray.

This pitcher and platter have a nice hunt scene on it, and sits on top the hutch.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Headboard to Blackboard

I wanted a big chalkboard for my kitchen, and wanted something different. Being a teacher, why want a blackboard at home? Because if you have been in most classrooms these days, you couldn't find ANY kind of chalkboard if you tried. Technology has replaced them with first green chalkboards then "white boards" and then "Smart Boards".
I just wanted a plain ol' black dumb board! Keeping an eye out at garage sales and Goodwill, I found a nice, twin headboard for 5 dollars. Here's the after:

Here's the before:

With a little sanding, white paint, and blackboard paint, I was on my way. Legs were cut off and knobs were added.

A litttle votive holder with handle doubles as a chalk holder.

I'm NOT ready!

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